The Law Offices of Ramiro J. Lluis have been providing the Greater Los Angeles community with defense against DUI criminal charges and DMV hearings.
A DUI is a serious offense that can have a lasting impact on your life. Mistakingly taken lightly due to the nature of the crime, a DUI is a serious offense that can affect many people regardless of their social background and criminal history.

Contact the Law Offices of Ramiro J. Lluis for a free consultation about you or your loved one’s case.
DUI is an acronym for Driving Under the Influence. Other States use the acronym DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) and some states use OWI (Operating While Intoxicated).
A DUI can happen to anyone at any time and is an epidemic and major cause of vehicular deaths every day. DUI’s have consistently involved serious bodily harm to people and fatalities. For these reasons, law enforcement agencies have taken more measures to enforce the laws against driving under the influence.
At the Law Offices of Ramiro J. Llluis, we provide our clients with our aggressive defense affording the best opportunity in defending their case. We represent our clients in the criminal courts defending against the criminal DUI charges presented by the state against our client.
Our DUI Lawyers then represent our clients in the DMV Driver Safety Hearing, in which the future of the client’s driving license is determined.
Once the criminal and DMV hearings are settled, we assist our clients with complying with any court orders, such as education, programs, drug rehabilitation, and community service.

Law firm servicing Los Angeles with specialization in Criminal Defense, Immigration and Worker’s Compensation
A DUI is a serious offense that can negatively impact your life. It is essential that you take the charges seriously and do the most to mitigate any losses and do the most you can to afford you the best options.
Call a Los Angeles criminal lawyer today and schedule a free consultation today about your DUI defense.